Damien Shaw

Age: 44
Birthday: February
Height: 6'
Build: Athletic
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Sandy
Marital Status: Single
Children: One daughter (Wendy), one son (BJ)
Family: ?

Background: In and out of trouble as a kid, it didn't matter what his parents said... If they didn't like it, he did it. Happenstance led him to cross paths with the Agency, and it was no surprise that they picked him up and took him on as their own. Feeling cool and a part of something, he went along for the ride, gaining a long criminal record. Fighting against the TX gang was one of the first things he experienced, and it was then that he took advantage of Angel Lachey, later to discover that he had a daughter. Along the way, feelings for another Agency agent, Samantha, developed. Against Agency wishes, they were married, and eventually, Samantha had a little boy (BJ). An Agency screw-up sent Samantha into hiding with her baby, and shaped the decisions that led to brainwashing of Damien. He would not remember his family. Later led to cross paths with the TX gang again, he realized his want for a better life, and changed sides for good.

Other: Despite his past, he's trying to do what's right, and though feeling unable to be a father to BJ, willingly interacts occasionally, though is grateful for Mick and Rosetta's adoption. His relationship with Wendy is fair. His relationship with Annie Henson is growing closer.