BJ Henson

Age: 9
Birthday: July
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Red
Family: Father (Damien), mother dead (Samantha), adopted father (Mick), adopted mother (Rosetta)

Background: Born under circumstances his mind couldn't comprehend, his mother did all she could to keep him secret and safe from the Agency. Not understanding his life was different than anyone else's, he remained a peaceful child, being schooled by his mother. A torrent of twists and turns led him to the R/M ranch where he was protected by family he didn't even know. Later, after his mother was dead, Mick and Rosetta adopted him as their own.

Other: Extremely intelligent with math, and has very good insight into people's feelings. An Agency computer chip has been implanted in his brain, but has not been removed for fear of damage. It is this chip that has caused some of the intellect, though his reading of people is a natural ability. Adored by everyone at the ranch, he finally lives in true peace, living life to the fullest.