Cindy Miles-Henson

Age: 41
Birthday: April
Height: 5' 5"
Build: Petite
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Marital Status: Married (Wes)
Children: Two sons (Jason, Trey), one daughter (Kaylee)
Family: Father, mother, one sister (Linda)

Background: Growing up in an average town, in an average family, her youth was as normal as it could get. She was an A-student in school, had a circle of friends, and loved life. A one-time mistake with her boyfriend (Derek Stevenson) though, left her pregnant, still in high school. Now shunned by her family, and left abandoned by Derek, who did not know she was pregnant, she quit school and moved out of her home to be on her own. Lost and alone, she found her way, giving birth, and choosing to keep her child, Jason. Though struggling as a single mother, she managed as best she could, trying her hardest to provide Jason with a loving home. When he was abducted as a young boy, her world fell apart, and for over a year, she avidly pursued finding him, even when the law gave up. United with Jason's grandfather (Austin), she allowed her son to take his proper last name, and was glad he now had a man's support. Later she would let Jason go to TJY, watching from a distance, then eventually visiting him in Texas where she met Wes. Learning to love again, it was in God's plan that she later marry, at long last finding the love she had been waiting for all her life. Having their daughter completed their little family. It wouldn't be until later that her world would turn upside down when it was discovered she had a second son.

Other: Known for her sweet nature and care for others. Though small, her spunk and determination have led her through life. Wes is her world. Kaylee is her daily joy. Jason is her reason for having come so far.