Wesley (Wes) Henson

Age: 47
Birthday: August
Height: 6'
Build: Athletic
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Sandy/Red
Marital Status: Married (Cindy)
Children: One daughter (Kaylee)
Family: Brothers Mick, Jim, Tyler, sisters Annie, Samantha (died). Parents?

Background: In an adopted family, he had an average childhood until beginning to question where his real family was, and learning there were too many unsolved mysteries. In and out of a bit of trouble, he looked for truths, finally discovering his brothers in the middle of a war with unseen enemies, and finally his sister, Annie, as well. As the family came to the point to split up, he headed for the military, spending years in the service. Finally though, he returned to Texas to set up an auto shop at the R/M ranch. Though a love developed in his heart for her, it wasn't meant to be, and through a non-existent engagement, he met Cindy who he later married and had a daughter with.

Other: His gentle smile and kindness are what draws people to him. His gruff edge comes out, if challenged, and his hard work has earned him respect from those who know him. His wife and child are the loves of his life, and he would sacrifice all for them.