Trey William Conwell

Age: 25
Birthday: May
Height: 6'7"
Build: Athletic
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Sandy
Marital Status: Single
Children: No
Family: Adopted family. Real mother (Cindy Henson), real father (Derek Stevenson), twin brother (Jason).

Background: Earliest memories are of being in an orphanage. Care was poor but he was finally adopted by a couple from Mexico. Later he would see that though he was loved, it was not a good situation. Though wealthy, his parents were involved in the drug racket and constantly at war with someone. Friends didn't come easily, and good friends came even harder. Becoming involved with the drug ring himself, he was popular and had his own money, but never found true happiness. The inevitable finally happened - a rival to his family threatened his life. Opting to not take any more chances, his parents sent him to family in Nevada - his cousin Angelica Lockhart, who convinced the Elite to help Trey by keeping him safe. It was through this chain of events that finally led to him meeting his birth mother. With a new look on life, it was obvious that things would begin to change.

Other: Friends with Ariel Lohrman. Adores his baby sister Kaylee. Loves pizza.