Austin Clay Stevenson

Age: 60
Birthday: July
Height: 6'2"
Build: Broad
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black/graying
Marital Status: Single
Children: Son (Derek)
Family: one brother (Sam), two grandsons (Jason and Trey), father (Carter)

Background: Foggy past. Involved with the TX gang for many years before turning to the Agency. He loved Angel Lachey though lost out. Flipped back and forth for a while, then was not seen again. Gradually came back up again to fight the Agency, hooking up with Mike Reese. One one mission to find a missing child, he found Jason, and discovered their connection. Returning to TX he reestablished relationships with the gang, and headed up TJY in NV. Later after methods that TJY agents did not agree with, and after his relationship with Jason took a bad turn, he stepped down, leaving leadership to Reese. Soon after, he disappeared.