Angel Lachey-Trahern

Age: 47
Birthday: June
Height: 5' 8"
Build: Slim
Eyes: Green
Hair: Dark Brown
Marital Status: Married (Luke)
Children: One daughter (Wendy)
Family: One brother. Parents?

Background: Orphaned, she never knew her parents, and had a rough time at the orphanage. Frustrated and without love to guide her, she wound up making the wrong kind of friends. A gang was where she felt she belonged, but soon was caught and forced into community service. Meeting Luke, their paths remained together, later to cross with the Henson and Pent families. Joining forces with them, Angel gained a medical education, while avidly pursuing truths about the past. A strong relationship with Trent formed, but it was not to be, also tangled with feelings for Luke. Abducted and abused, Angel later gave birth to Wendy, who would become one of the most important people in her life. Staying with Rosetta through the years, she opened her own doctor's office at the R/M ranch where she remained. Reunited with Luke, love was reborn, and they were married, remaining at the ranch.

Other: Keeping her head in the middle of the storms helps her keep focused in any emergency, medical or other. Those around her trust her blindly, respecting her wisdom, and her friendship. Her love spreads wide for her family, and her loyalty is strong.