Wendy Amanda Lachey-Henson

Age: 22
Birthday: September
Height: 5’ 5"
Build: Petite
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Marital Status: Married (Clint)
Children: One son, Chase (1) (daughter Cecilia died soon after birth), one daughter (baby)
Family: Mother (Angel), father (Damien), stepfather (Luke)

Background: Born into a harsh world, she was lovingly raised by her single mom, despite hard times. Though facing a few struggles, and growing through a time of rebelliousness, she remained true to her heart. Sent away to school by her mother, their relationship was strained, but returning to the ranch, it was rebuilt. Later meeting Clint, they quickly became friends, then more than friends, feeling an instant connection.

Other: Very talented painter and enjoys ranch life. Clint is the love of her life. Though not having a lot of friends, those she has, she is loyal to. Takes after her mother's heart. Early mistakes were paid for, but she learned how to cope and continue living.