Andrew Clint Henson

Age: 26
Birthday: June
Height: 5’8”
Build: Broad
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Red/Brown
Marital Status: Married (Wendy)
Children: One son, Chase (1) (daughter Cecilia died soon after birth), one daughter (baby)
Family: Parents (Jim and Becky), brother (Ty), twin sister (Rosalyn)

Background: Grew up not knowing Jim was his father, the arrangement of safety worked out by his parents. Got in a bit of trouble in high school with a bad crowd, but avoided getting in too deep. Later happened to the R/M ranch, discovering who is family really was. Staying, he gained a job at his uncle’s (Wes) auto shop on the ranch, later becoming half-owner. After learning he and Wendy were to be parents, they were married and built their own house on the ranch.

Other: Called by middle name. Fun-loving, usually learns things the hard way. Not too many close friends. Slight tension between him and his father.