Jeffrey (Jeff) Travis Pent

Age: 47
Birthday: October
Height: 6'
Build: Thin
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Red/Sandy
Marital Status: Widowed (Crystal)
Children: One daughter (Katie)
Family: Three brothers (Jay, Eric, Trent), one sister (Rosetta)

Background: With a caring adoptive family, life was good. But illness seemed to be around every turn. Despite physical drawbacks, his rebellious nature led to him moving out on his own at sixteen, looking for more purpose. Eventually finding his brother, he fell in love with his nieces and nephews, though his frequent hospital visits and undiagnosed sicknesses often left him unable to work or spend time with others. Married for a short time before his wife died in childbirth, he gave up his daughter to Jay, feeling incapable of caring for a child on his own. Later finding the rest of his siblings was a gift he felt he didn't deserve, but cherished. Separated from them again for over eighteen years took its toll on him, and when finally reunited, it was like no other. Finally finding the source of his illnesses in an Agency-implanted computer chip, his heath improved significantly, enabling him to live and work at the R/M ranch. After a near-death experience, the truth came out that he was in fact Katie's real father.

Other: Has a huge heart, and a special soft spot for Katie. Though able to crack jokes with the best of them, getting down to business isn't hard. Night owl. Likes to play cards. Still has health problems. Owns Hawk, a liver chestnut mixbreed gelding.