Trent Douglas Pent

Age: 48
Birthday: June
Height: 5'11"
Build: Thin
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Red/Graying
Marital Status: Single
Children: One daughter (Jasmine)
Family: Brothers Eric, Jeff, Jay. Sister Rosetta (twin). Parents?

Background: Unhappy in an orphanage, his road would be a hard one. Fighting the system all the way, it was an uphill battle for social workers until finally he was old enough to fend for himself. Ups and downs led him on a topsy-turvy road. A web of lies twisted his view of truth, and somewhere in the middle was his discovered family, and the Agency. Fighting for, fighting against, and fighting back, betrayal was discovered, severing relationships for good, it seemed. But he would come back...a long time later, but he would come back, to that which he knew was right. And his heart was finally right as well, beckoning him stay at the R/M ranch. Soon, a part of his hidden past would finally surface - years prior, a woman named Grace had given birth to his baby. A girl. Jasmine. At a time when the Agency was hot on the Henson and Pent heels, and there was an "accident," killing Grace. The Agency had taken his daughter and he was forced to bend to their will lest they kill Jasmine too. Unable to tell his family about his poor choices, he fought the Agency alone, only to be told twelve years later that Jasmine had died. But now back in Texas, news surfaced that Jasmine had indeed been kept alive, and was now safe. Though difficult, a relationship between them finally, slowly started to form.

Other: Lives at the Texas ranch, doing his best to pull his share of the work, while quietly trying to rebuild burned bridges.