Tyler (Sparky) Benjamin Henson

Age: 50
Birthday: May
Height: 5'10"
Build: Medium
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Red
Marital Status: Married (Faith)
Children: No
Family: Brothers Mick, Jim, Wes, sisters Annie and Samantha (died)

Background: Not knowing much else other than the orphanage, it was hard to be too unhappy. Different from other kids though, his best friend was an imaginary one, and being adopted was just a dream. Never finding a family, he was on his own once old enough. Never settling down, his curiosity about his real family rose and eventually, he discovered his siblings. Joining up with them, he felt complete and with a purpose, despite the trials. After splitting up, he wandered some, job hopping, but never really feeling at peace until once again he was reunited with his family. Staying at the R/M ranch filled his want to be near his siblings, as he tried to pull his weight and help with the work load. Meeting Mel Thomas , they dated for a short while but soon she left and he was alone again... until Annie returned home with her friend Faith Reynolds. A romance quickly ensued and Sparky was swept off his feet. Eventually marrying, he'd never been happier.

Other: Good on computers and cars. Enjoys ranch work. Dedicated to looking out for his family and friends. Deeply in love with Faith. Owns Cinder, a gray Arabian mare.