Reginald (Kip) Whilms

Age: 21
Birthday: June
Height: 5' 7"
Build: Thin
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Blondish
Marital Status: Single
Children: No
Family: Mother (location unknown), Father, (sister dead)

Background: Growing up on the rough side of town, things were hard and school didn't come easy. Held back two years in a row during grade school was humiliating. Getting into trouble made things worse, but somewhere along the way, Erik Wiley managed to befriend him, despite being 7 years apart in age. From day one, Kip was like his little brother, keeping him from getting into any more trouble, in school, then as a youth sponsor at church. On the homefront though, things went downhill, from Kip's sister dying of leukemia, to his mother walking out on him and his father. His father started drinking and became abusive. Though it was evident, Kip kept it to himself, refusing help until Erik's family finally convinced him to move in with them. He was sixteen. Since then, his father has continually hounded him for money and attention, but Kip doesn't want to turn him in, so he endures the continued emotional abuse. Music became his outlet early on, and after being in Erik's band, he was invited to join the Kyle Mitts band as well.

Other: Favorite color is green. He loves french fries. No one knows why he's called Kip. Dating Karla Jones.