Alec Dawson Banks

Age: 25
Birthday: August
Height: 5' 10"
Build: Slim
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Sandy/Blonde
Marital Status: Single
Children: No
Family: Half-siblings Carson and Dani

Background: Raised by his single mom, never knowing his father. Average childhood, though he was prone to getting himself into trouble. Out of highschool, he was taken in by the Agency and soon was on their side. A rebel anyway, his energy was spent on the wrong side of the law until he was finally caught, and his family ties revealed. Though a rebel, he tried his best to get back on his feet, and formed a relationship with Ryan McKade. All Seemed to be going well until the Agency forced his hand and he rejoined them out of fear of them hurting those he loved. As a result, he cheated on Ryan and lost her love and friendship along with Eli's. Stuck again in the vortex of bad decisions, the world once again was dark.

Other: Likes to play cards. Hates being called a coward. Likes to fight verbally or with his fists.