Ryder Billings

Age: 27
Birthday: February
Height: 5' 10"
Build: Slim
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Marital Status: Single
Children: No
Family: Parents dead at the hands of the Agency. Brother dead at the hands of Carson Banks.

Background: He didn't have much of a chance, when as a young man, the Agency took his family. His parents dead, and his brother conforming to the Agency's ways, he was forced to participate. But several years later, it was TJY that helped him get out and change sides. Working for the Elite, he studied Agency activity and worked tourism as a side job. After a mission where his brother died, he was taken to the United States out of harm's way. Once there, he struggled to find a place to fit and eventually took charge of Thirteen, a young woman and tragic result of Agency abuse.

Other: Born and raised in Australia. Likes to wrestle crocs and works with them at the zoo. Wants companionship. Doesn't fit in easily. Dating Thirteen.
Former Agency information: code 755, communication division, clearance level 1.

Significant scenes:
Brother dies