Leonard (Leo) Barnsworth

Age: 26
Birthday: March
Height: 5'9"
Build: Slim
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Marital Status: Single
Children: No
Family: Parents, no siblings

Background: Grew up a bit lonely. His interests differed from others who were his age. He had a hard time making friends, and made up for it by being a class clown. Secretly admiring the art of dance, he eventually took dancing lessons, though didn't want many people to know about it after being made fun of. Finding a job in high school with an auto shop, he discovered he was fair at mechanics. Not attending college, he got odd jobs until landing at J&J's Auto Shop. Very few people know he's involved in a performing community dance group.

Other: Clumsy on his feet until he hits the dance floor, though his confidence is building. Doesn't have a lot of friends, but is fiercely loyal. Dated Ryan McKade for a short while until pushed aside by Alec Banks. Now dating Cassy Howard.