Cassy Howard

Age: 25
Birthday: August
Height: 5' 6"
Build: Petite
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Marital Status: Single
Children: No
Family: Parents, older sister

Background: Ever since she was little, she loved to dance. Her parents were well enough off to afford dancing lessons and she excelled. Later, she pursued a career with seriousness, enough to live on her own even when her family moved away. Falling in love with another dancer, her future was made... until she broke her leg. The damage was severe enough to destroy her dreams of dancing, and unfortunately, the relationship with her boyfriend, who wanted his own future of dancing more than his future with her. Alone again, Cassy was determined to pursue her love of dancing anyway, and started her own dance studio to teach others. Though doctors said she'd never be strong enough to dance on stage again, she continued to practice anyway, defying the odds.

Other: Timid, but determined. Is dating with Leo Barnsworth.