Jamie Franklin-Gibbs

Age: 34
Birthday: June
Height: 5'6"
Build: Petite
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Marital Status: Married (Con)
Children: One son, one daughter (by first marriage)
Family: Father (Herb), mother (Mabel)

Background: Had a pretty normal childhood, growing up in a loving, Christian home. Not straying far from home, she married the man of her dreams and had two kids - the family she'd always wanted. Things turned sour though, and her marriage fell apart. A sticky divorce case ensued, and she was left with nothing, and no visitation rights to her children. Her parents, and relationships to others helped her through, her power to survive kicking in. Knowing Con through other avenues, she was soon led to TJY where she held a job and restarted her life. A love for Con blossomed in the shadows, only to come to light several years later. It was evident God wasn't done in her life yet and it wasn't long after she admitted her love that Con came to love her as well, marrying her within the same year.

Other: Her soft nature gives those around her peace and a shoulder to lean on when needed. Strength lies under the surface though, proving a character that can stand up to any obstacle. Her faith is strong, and her love for her husband is unending. Has a scar on the left side of her face from Agency torture - some inflicted by Carson Banks. Has a pet python, Ed.