Aerith Adams

Age: 25
Birthday: August
Height: 5'5"
Build: Slim
Eyes: Green
Hair: Brown
Marital Status: Single
Children: No
Family: Stepfather, mother

Background: A happier childhood, one couldn't have. Her most cherished times were with her father, always to be remembered. But even her life couldn't be perfect. After her father's passing, her mother married again, this time to a wealthy man. While Aerith's sweet spirit and heart for the Lord continued to motivate her, despite her circumstances, her stepfather's ambition for her was more toward wealth and popularity. Finally, when he pressed the issue of her marrying a man she did not love (Frankie Miller), she broke away from her family, finding an excuse to leave in her elderly grandmother who needed care. Moving to Nevada, she helped her cantankerous grandmother up until she died, smiling all the while, despite the hard times. Meeting Wyatt Reese was as bright spot, and soon they started to date. Ending up on her own, with a job at Mom and Pop's, life was looking up.

Other: A hard worker and determined to live up to God's standards, her spirit is one of peace. Though quiet at times, the words she does speak are deep, making one think. Her love for the Lord drives her, and her relationship with Wyatt is icing on the cake.