Scott Brandon Johnson

Age: 28
Birthday: August
Height: 5'8"
Build: Thin
Eyes: Brown (left blind)
Hair: Dark Brown
Marital Status: Single
Children: No
Family: Parents, sister Sapphire (twin)

Background: Fairly normal childhood, though not very sociable. Teased a lot in school and was labeled a nerd. Always into computers, and after high school, went to tech school for a couple years. His relationship with his parents was strained, and his relationship with his sister remained, though wasn't the greatest. Wound up getting found by Reese and started working for TJY. On a mission gone wrong, he was abducted by the Agency and held for many months before being discovered and rescued. With deteriorated health and the loss of sight in one eye, he struggled to get back to a normal life. Being counseled by Hope Garrison, he began a slow climb back to mental health. Later forming a relationship with Hope, he'd never been happier. But soon thoughts of the Agency returned, as did his depression which worsened to the point of him being admitted to the Brookshire mental facility for a year. During that time, he was counseled by Justin Hawks, and broke off his relationship with Hope. Once well enough to be released, he returned home to attempt once again to have a normal life.

Other: Was once engaged to Katie. Loves Mountain Dew and beef jerky, and listens to classical music. Social events aren't really his thing. Is a skilled photographer. Best friend is Dalton.

Significant scenes:
Breakup with Katie
Opening up to Hope about his abduction