Hunter Matthew Maxwell

Age: 28
Height: 5'11"
Build: Athletic
Eyes: Green
Hair: Sandy Brown
Marital Status: Single
Children: No
Family: Parents, no siblings

Background: Average childhood. A bit of trouble in high school, acting as one of the "cool guys" but keeping his feet on the ground most of the time. Made friends with the Mitts and took Karate with Kyle, becoming close. Hanging around Nevada, he job shifted, drifted around, then finally landed with Break Out. Once Break Out split up after an accident, he drifted some more, finding friends who steered him down the wrong path. Winding up back in Nevada, he began desert racing as an outlet while fighting against his heart. Finding his way to Texas, he found a new family with the ranch and Mick became like a father to him.

Other: Likes pickles. Admits he's an alcoholic so those closest to him can keep him on track. Pursued Alice Whitt at one time. Dated Katie Pent for a while. In a relationship with Ryan McKade.

Significant scenes:
Bad history with his father.