Kyle Hayden Mitts

Age: 27
Birthday: August
Height: 5’ 9”
Build: Slim
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Marital Status: Single
Children: No
Family: Brother (Phil), twin sister (Jen), mother, stepfather (father dead)

Background: Grew up in quiet, Christian family. Witnessed father’s death by drowning when he was sixteen. Pulled through, and pursued interest in music with various garage bands. Then helped form JetStream where he played keyboard and sung backup. Later, a lost love and rivalry with Jason led to Kyle leaving and joining Break Out and traveling with the karate team. After a bad accident, the team broke up and one more opportunity arose: to lead a new band... his own band.

Other: Fun-loving, full of life and laughter, though has a streak of talent when it comes to writing music. With a great voice, he struggles to find his place. Knows karate. Dating Alice Whitt. Loves Mountain Dew.