Lewis Kriston

Age: 31
Birthday: April
Height: 5'11"
Build: Thin
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Light Brown
Marital Status: Single
Children: No
Family: Father, (mother dead), one brother (Pete)

Background: Surviving on tough streets, he looked up to his big brother, following in his shadow - including a bit of trouble in school, but nothing much bigger than mischief. While still in high school, his mother was killed in a drive-by shooting, and his world fell apart. Battling that, his brother moving away, and his father's depression, his own faith wavered. Later, after his father moved out of state, he found a place with friends and became addicted to alcohol. Though Pete tried to help, he fell further into his pit of misery.

Other: Works at an engine factory when sober. Longs for true friendship. Hates his addiction. Wants a relationship with his brother again. Has a dry sense of humor hiding under his gruffness.