Peter (Pete) Duncan Kriston

Age: 34
Birthday: March
Height: 6'
Build: Athletic
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Shaved
Marital Status: Single
Children: No
Family: Father, (mother dead), one brother (Lewis)

Background: Grew up on the rough side of town, and learned early that he had to look out for himself. Wound up getting in trouble in school some, though nothing major. While trying to figure out what he wanted his future to be, his mother was killed in a drive-by shooting. The law would do nothing but ignore the case, and it was the passion for justice that crossed his path with Carter's, and got him training and a job at TJY.

Other: Dry sense of humor. A loner, though once relaxed in a crowd, he'll often steal the spotlight with his humor. Dating Nikki Keller.