Rayne Sidorov

Age: 27
Birthday: January
Height: 5'7"
Build: Slim
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Marital Status: Single
Children: No
Family: Parents and one sister (in Russia)

Background: Raised in a loving but strict home in Russia, she was expected to always be well-behaved and gain an education that would keep her at the top of society. While bending to her parents' wishes, she always felt a different kind of calling. Later, feeling God directing her to the United States and to an American Bible college to become a missionary, she traveled overseas. Though knowing it was the right choice, the result was a strained relationship with her family, leaving her more alone than she'd ever felt before. Settling in though, she was a quick study and learned quickly a new way of life in America. It wasn't long before surviving a car accident would again shift her future.

Other: Works at a bookstore in between studies. Dating Phil Mitts.