Anastasia Marie Graham

Age: 26
Birthday: June
Height: 5'4"
Build: Slim
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown/Honey
Marital Status: Single
Children: None
Family: Mother, Father (unknown), Uncle (Chuck Graham)

Background: Anastasia never new her real family. Her father was gone before she was even born and her mother didn't want her, claiming she was unfit for a child which set in motion a bitterness towards her that would fester in time. Growing up with her Uncle Chuck, Anastasia loved him more than anything in the world and their relationship grew into a close bond. After a few years when Anastasia was older, her mother showed up and the bitterness that had been left unhealed for years reared its ugly head. Anastasia wanted nothing to do with her mother and her heart was not willing to forgive. In her mind, Chuck was her only family. But as time went on and with Chuck's guidance, along with God's, Anastasia forgave her mother, yet still stayed with Chuck where she felt the most love. Soon to meet Quinn Thornton, God had other plans in the wind for Anastasia and her path in life.

Other: Works at Disc O Round. Believes if God wants it to happen, it will. Paths don't cross by chance - they cross for a reason.