Misty Miller-Banks

Age: 29
Birthday: March
Height: 5'4"
Build: Petite
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Marital Status: Married (Carson)
Children: No
Family: Father, Mother, one brother (Frankie)

Background: Though in a family with money, happiness didn't come as easily. Misunderstood, and feeling as though she didn't belong, Misty's road was rough, sending her down the wrong path as she became an adult. Unknowingly used by her older brother, she fell into the trap of the Agency, working on and off on side cases. Finally realizing there was a better route to take, she chose to help people, landing at medical school in England. Though studying hard to be an A-student, fitting in just wasn't to be. Taking an internship at TJY, the atmosphere and purpose to fight crime caught her interest. Meeting Carson Banks turned her world around, and her plans were to stay. Though things fell apart as relationships were strained, and she was thought to be dead from a plane crash, she finished school in England, then once more was led back to TJY for good. Pursuing a relationship with Carson would later result in their marriage.

Other: Once had a relationship with Kyle Mitts. Energetic, witty, fun-loving and intelligent. Her education serves her well at TJY, as she continually proves her medical knowledge. Loved by her co-workers who would defend her to the death. Good friends with Jason Stevenson. Has a blog.