Travis William Lachey

Age: 18
Birthday: December
Height: 6'
Build: Athletic
Eyes: Green
Hair: Dark Brown
Marital Status: Single
Children: No
Family: Father (Lane), Mother (Amber)

Background: Few childhood memories exist before his parents split up when he was only three years old. His normal became living with his mother and eventual stepfather (Dirk). Eventually allowed to interact with his father, by the time he was old enough to think for himself, he began spending many weekends with him. School wasn't easy - or perhaps it was simply his stubborn streak that got in the way. A keen interest in computers kept him out of trouble for the most part, while his circle of friends remained small, even through his teenage years. Though his mother preferred him to spend as little time as possible with Lane, he and his father had formed a strong enough relationship that he began to ignore his mother's complaints and kept up the routine weekend visits. Upon graduating high-school, his plans for the future remained a bit vague, other than the plan to work for at least a year before forming solid goals. However, when the Agency struck, his world was turned upside-down.

Other: Would rather watch movies than watch sports. Senses something greater is in his future but struggles to fit in. His favorite animals are dogs, particularly large breeds, although horses come in at close second. Can be super quiet or loud and animated, depending on how comfortable he is. Nicknames include "T."