Elizabeth (Liz) Sandra Stevenson

Age: 19
Birthday: October
Height: 5'6"
Build: Athletic
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Dark
Marital Status: Single
Children: No
Family: Brother (Nick), father (Derek), mother (Gina), half-brothers (Jason and Trey)

Background: Had as normal an upbringing as one could have. She did well in school as a straight-A student, taking an interest in athletics and music. Often asked to sing for school or church events, she used her voice for the Lord. Her father's past was never a secret and she grew up accepting that he was a changed man, knowing he now loved the Lord. The only longing she always had was wanting to get to know her half brothers in Nevada. Though sometimes irritated by her younger brother, she loves him dearly, as she does her parents.

Other: Close friends with Axel Thornton after he lived with her family for a while. Loves to sing. Likes spicy food.