Theodore (Theo) Paxton

Age: 28
Birthday: September
Height: 6'
Build: Broad
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Marital Status: Single
Children: No
Family: Parents, one sister (Daphne)

Background: Since he was six, he had a thing for drums. Driving his parents crazy, they finally got him a drumset and bought him lessons. It was an average family - not rich, not poor, but his father was wise enough with finances to get both kids into a good school. Theo excelled in math and music, later gaining a degree in music. Returning home, he rejoined his high school buddies, including Erik Wiley, and their band. While continuing with music, he obtained jobs on the side. Later he continued with his friends as they became the Kyle Mitts band and moved to Nevada with them.

Other: Loves strawberries.