Ron Christopher Wheaton

Age: 37
Birthday: October
Height: 5'9"
Build: Average
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Dark
Marital Status: Single
Children: Daughter (never sees)
Family: Father, stepmother, two brothers

Background: It was the tough side of town where he was raised. Thick skin was as must if you were going to survive. His mother left early on, then his father remarried. However, his stepmother did not enjoy children, leaving three kids without much of a mother at all. Ron was the youngest of the three and picked on mercilessly. Somehow he managed to make it all the way through high school, then went to college to get away from home. Developing an interest in mechanics, he took on odd jobs and began repairing small engines to make some extra money. His life took another turn when he met Stacy. Choices always have consequences though. One baby and broken relationship later, he was left alone once again, this time with a hold in his heart for the daughter he would never get to know. A few women came after that, but nothing ever lasted. It wasn't until later that he began searching for something more, and found God. Along with a new start, came a job at J&J's Auto Shop where he found joy in repairing cars.

Other: Finds friendship in those he works with. Likes classic rock n' roll. Isn't a very good speller.