Nathaniel (Nate) Driers

Age: 35
Birthday: July
Height: 6'2"
Build: Broad
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Marital Status: Married (Laura)
Children: One son (Brian (1))
Family: One sister (Maggie)

Background: Average childhood, though often one to take the path less traveled, sometimes ending in success and sometimes ending in trouble. Finding love early, his plans were set, but attitudes didn't meld, and his own ambitions got in the way. Losing his girlfriend, then experiencing the near-death of his sister gave him a wake-up call. Taking on total responsibility for his sister, he moved on, playing big brother/dad and eventually finding his way to TJY where fighting for justice curbed his appetite for action and gave him something to live for. Falling in love with Laura Gibbs wasn't planned, but when is love ever planned? Not long after being married, they had the family he'd always wanted.

Other: Respected by his friends and coworkers. Has a good head on his shoulders and can easily be serious, though has a fun side which is let loose when not on the job. His heart is ruled by compassion, his soft side seen by those he cares for the most.