Bret Sterling Parker

Age: 35
Birthday: December
Height: 6’
Build: Average/Muscular
Eyes: Grey/Blue
Hair: Sandy
Marital Status: Married (Charlotte)
Children: One son Nicholas (1)
Family: Father, one sister, one brother. Mother dead.

Background: Lived a bit on the daring side. Loved cars and got involved in local racing at Flaming Speedway. Wound up losing his temper after a loss and was fired. In the meantime, he married (Maria Estevan), though it was rough going. Picked up by the wrong crowd, he helped rob some banks, driving the getaway car, but they were caught. A bargain helped him stay out of jail, and he straightened out. Maria divorced him, and he kept the house, landing a job with a construction company where he met Conrad Gibbs a few years later. While drowning his sorrows in a bar he met Charlotte, and trusting fate and chance, they ended up dating, then eloping. Soon after he regained a job at the speedway.

Other: Has a talent for driving and loves to go fast - still races. Downfalls are giving up on problems too quickly, or losing his temper. Taking risks has gotten him some good things, and in sticky situations too. He likes to help the underdog, get the job done, and is a natural leader. A little-known skill is watermelon seed spitting. His wife is his life, and a good beer comes as enjoyed. Nicholas is his joy.