Velvet Michaels

Age: 27
Birthday: September
Height: 5'6"
Build: Slim
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Dark Brown
Marital Status: Single
Children: No
Family: Father, (mother dead), one brother

Background: Life was tough in a family with no money. Pushed around as a kid, she learned quickly to defend herself and fire back so she wouldn't be hurt. When she was ten, her mother died in a car accident, leaving her and her older brother mostly on their own as their alcoholic father worked a full-time job, sometimes working nights as well. Graduating high school was last on a list of goals, but was accomplished, and it was job hopping after that, just so she could be out on her own. Falling in with people she thought were friends, it just led her down one bad path to the next.

Other: If it's fun, she wants it. With no good parental models, her morals were shaped by herself, though skewed by others. She can wrap guys around her finger in a blink of an eye, an getting what she wants comes easy. Lived with Carson for a short while. Dated numerous guys.